Any tile that you walk on top of, or any tile that shouldn't cover you, should be on the bottom layer. I always start by replacing tiles in the bottom layer. You can use this to your advantage but it can also hurt you. Note: If a tile on a map is dumped with two layers, that tile automatically has the "player covers both layers" attribute.It is important that you only draw tiles on the top layer where you are supposed to, or you will be in for a bad time.

The top tile layer covers heroes and any tile that it covers on the bottom layer. PokeMMO only supports two and they can be named anything (by defaut: Top Tile Layer, Bottom Tile Layer). You cannot place trees or any obstacle in any location because all of your changes are purely visual.Ī tile layer is just as is sounds a layer of tiles. When replacing tiles, it is important to remember that you are simply upgrading the visuals of the original tiles on the map. The tileset should now be added to the map! Go to Map -> New Tileset -> Click Browse.To add the tileset to the map, follow these steps: When you are done adding tiles to the tileset, save the image to the /tilesets/ folder as a. Do not have huge spots of white space where possible.Keep related tiles held close together (grass with flowers, paths with fence, ect.).Otherwise it will not be located properly in-game. Make sure doors consume an entire tile on the grid.When placing tiles into a tileset, there are a few general rules to follow: To place tiles into the tileset, simple cut and paste them from a source (such as a tileset found online). Set the grid spacing to 16x16 pixels then press OK.png image (make sure its width/height are divisible by 16) When maps are first dumped from PokeMMO, they contain two default tilesets containing the original Kanto/Hoenn tiles. A map can contain any number of tilesets and tilesets can be any size (to my knowledge). The first step in tile modding in creating the tileset for your map(s). I'd recommend searching through this list via the CTRL+F search function in your browser.

Unknown maps are not broken due to PokeMMO, most are garbage maps from within the ROM. The list also includes each map's bank and map identifiers for those who use the Advanced Map tool for referencing. I have compiled the first complete list of map Id's for Kanto. It provides support for custom grids, it's easy to use, and best of all it's free! If you have Adobe Photoshop and prefer it over Gimp, there are Photoshop alternatives to all tile editing done in Gimp. Gimp is the preferred tile editing tool in my opinion.tmx files, this is the editor that must be used. Tiled Map Editor is the map editor used for tile modding.
Pokemmo mods 2016 download#
png images.Įvery tool needed for tile modding is completely free! I will list them with links to their download pages.